MCTV’s Amit Pala starring in Deadlock July 20
A huge congratulations to Amit Pala (Left in picture) for his great work on the new iView series Deadlock (Click through for trailer). The whole series will drop on July 20 on iView for immediate binge-watching. At the same time, the series will host a launch event at the Splendour in the Grass festival at Byron Bay. The series was shot in the Northern Rivers region so a launch at Splendour is very appropriate.
The trailer for deadlock looks fantastic and evokes the freedom, excitement and danger of youth.
“A clandestine ‘tunnel party’ in the depths of the hinterland in northern NSW draws kids from all over the area but when a spectacular stunt leads to a car crash, a group of five teens face events that will transform their lives and their idyllic landscape forever.”